It's been a 'taking time' sort of year. That sounds wrong, as if I had snatched time away. So I guess I'd rather say I have been working on 'being with time.'
This goat is the perfect example of my being with time. During soccer season, my husband drove our son to practice and to coach, and on alternate nights, I drove our daughter. The fields were located at the end of a long driveway that wound through a place stuck in time. I thought it was the coolest thing: decayed buildings with worn pictures of what looked like British Colonial Indian men wearing turbans and holding rifles. We drove by an abandoned miniature golf course, and just past that, a large penned in structure with peacocks, chickens, horses in a field beyond, and this fat goat.
It became a ritual for my daughter and I to hope that the goat was hovering at the entrance gates. Most nights he was, and we were the only ones to stop the car, get out, and say hello. The goat didn't give a shit, of course. Merely sniffed an outstretched hand, turned and trotted off to his perch. But I loved that we did that, even as other soccer moms raised eyebrows driving by, I loved it.
Being with time was sometimes a struggle; during our moving crisis, it felt narrow and tense. Many other times, I argued with it; wanted it to speed up so that healing could be done faster; anger and resentment would fade quicker. But time goes at its pace, and we must go with it. Like the one lane road we often find ourselves traveling on, stuck behind the slow driver with no passing allowed.
In the roominess of the space I sit when I'm feeling at peace, I see how valuable this particular year has been. I will admit to clinging to certain sufferings and still, I'm not sure why. They aren't ready to be understood yet, so I am still...always...continually...learning to accept them. But when they rise up I can lash out; I'm working on that. But mostly, time for this year has been so beneficial to the most loving relationship next to self, and that is with my husband.
Bidding adieu to 2013, a time of learning, growing, stretching, understanding, loving, fearing, anger, detaching, resentment, judging, wishing ill-will, forgiving, apologizing, making peace, reaching out, hoping, wishing, hugging, kissing, making love, creating, writing, expanding, thinking, separating, dancing, crying, seeking truth, breaking, sitting, mindfulness, meditating, thanking, gratitude.
2014 will no doubt, bring more of the same, although with a little less financial crunchiness, and that's just fine.
Now for a little bit of visual feastiness: My favorite video of the year. The song by itself is ok, but when I watch it with the video, it makes me so happy.
Lose Yourself to Dance. Why? Because, really, it's just a wonderfully, uninhibited, freeing, soul-reviving thing to do.
Peace to you All. Keep Dancing!