Sunday, December 1, 2013

Last Year's Language

From Mindfulbalance blog - one of my go-to bloggers for affirmations and inspiration. He quoted this yesterday:
For last year’s words 
belong to last year’s language 
and next year’s words 
await another voice.
And to make an end 
is to make a beginning.
T.S. Eliot
A new age then for me on the last day of November.  I am now on the cusp of the mid-forties.  A phrase which makes my husband smile and nudge me with a whisper "you're in your mid-forties..." 
You ask how the hell did I get here?  What happened to 34 or 24?  You remember where, what, why and how you were then, and a little dawning lowers like a soft light onto the stage. You could be surprised at the speed and passing of time but then you stop, listen, see everything around you. The dishwasher shushing through its watery cycles, your husband fiddling with the kids' small Christmas trees to get the lights to work (and you know he will because he can pretty much do anything). You hear the soccer match on the telly. The taste of bacon in your mouth. The cool air on bare arms but comfy fleecy pants to keep your legs warm. You just know that everything is ticking along rightly so.
Time, space, the padding in between all the stuff we do feels fatter as we get older. I love the plump feel of it like big cushions to roll around on. As a teen or twenty-something, the air in between felt like a vacuum and I think I just got sucked through to go on to the next activity. As a 30-something new wife and mother, time and space were nowhere to be found. So, what a relief that I am here.  Now.
In love with being forty-something. Loving the discoveries. Pulling back dark dusty curtains, surprised by the revelations. Some things, some admissions, some truths cause a wince but it's all good; it's moving forward. And what better way to step onto the next stone than seeing what lies ahead?
A new year for me. Last year's language has all but gone; I worked hard this month to purge, and despite one or two trips, it's looking big and breathful ahead.
This vast, beautiful life.


1 comment:

  1. Another lovely post Lisa. Age is but a number - an old cliche but true if you make it so xx
