Have you seen this movie? I really enjoyed it and why not? It was chicky, appealing, humorous, touching and well, Javier Bardem...? Mmm...
...mmmm, where was I?
Right! What Richard Jenkins' character is trying to tell Julia Roberts' character is really what it's all about. Let it be. Sit. Observe. Surrender. And that brought me to mantras.
Before taking part in Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation Challenge last November, the word mantra had a vague Far Eastern mysticism attached to it, as if it were something long and complicated that people muttered over and over in a foreign language whilst in a trance-like state. I had no idea of its purpose nor its power until Dr. Chopra assured that it needn't be anything like that at all.
He likened it to a train that helps you get from one place to another. From your physical aware state to your mental, soul-aware state. You repeat it in the mind, slowly and with intent and whenever you find yourself drifting away with thoughts about anything else like when will I find time to run? I must run my lines. Take chicken out of the freezer for dinner...why, what, when, how and where...you can gently bring your mind back to something that can be grasped, your mantra, and off you go again on your little, swaying, train ride.
I have all the emails that contained the links to each one of those Meditation Days because each one holds a nugget of mental gold. Wise words of advice to be carried within, all day, all week, all the time...along with a daily mantra. There were lots of those. Some repeated over a couple of days depending on the day's affirmation, intent and reason.
The ones I come back to frequently are:
So Hum
(which translates to I Am or I Myself...a validating, nurturing, strengthening choice)
Sat, Chit, Ananda
(which translates to Existence, Conscsiousness, Bliss. Pronounced "Sadth, Chidth, Ananda...")
Om Bhavam Namah
(which translates to I am absolute existence. I am a field of all possibilities. Pronounced "Aum Bavam Nama...")
But, mantras are also a very personal thing. Something finely tuned to a person and their needs, their desires, their goals, wants, personality and soul.I have friends who prefer to listen to ocean sounds. Some who have their own mantras. Often I'll use whatever I need at the time and repeat those words over and over until it becomes a part of my thought process. Something like "I release "insert name" or "emotion". Sometimes, I just sit still and let whatever comes come.
Recently, I discovered Buddhist Breathing Meditation and counting the breaths. That took some time to achieve, believe it or not. Much like in life, you grow accustomed to doing a certain thing one way, then you switch it up and it feels weird for a bit. It's like that with this counting thing...counting on the in-breath for a period of time then changing it to counting on the out-breath. It's a natural thing to want to regain control when things are off-kilter and so it goes with this type of meditation...letting go of the need to control your breath so that it can be allowed to happen naturally.
Ultimately, it doesn't matter what method you use, be it ocean sounds, birds in the woods, still and silent, breathing, counting, visualization. Just sit. Just be. Just give yourself over to doing nothing but connecting with yourself, however you choose to do it.
I've been tired lately though and have found myself drifting off during a meditation, only to wake up with that startling head jerk (and I'm not talking about my husband). So, I say it's ok to take a break as long as you have the intent to return. Just don't leave it too long otherwise your guides will startle you awake in your dreams by calling your name in an effort to remind you that you are overdue your meeting with them...and yourself.
It's true. It's happened to me twice in the past month. But that's a snargle for another day.
Before I go...
Just because we all give, all day...so take time for yourself.
It's so important...
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