Virgin blogger at the ready!
This was my husband's idea, so hats off to the hubster for giving me a nudge. Actually, he is also working on starting his own and as we sat down together in the computer room upstairs, me with the pc and him with his laptop, he said "Look at us, all modern," or something to that effect.
I like to write and have had a passion for it since before I was a teenager. I lost it for many years under a daily haze of pot smoke and bad relationships, but the creativity is returning. With a bazillion ideas jerking around my head, I tend to have trouble getting past the first couple of chapters. You see, I am determined to write a book this year and have already written a one-act play which is currently being rehearsed and worked on and will be brought to life in February by the Reedy Point Players. Lovely group, we are...or 'troupe' as my husband calls it, which sounds vaguely circus-like. Rest assured, we do not juggle anything more than time, talent and schedules.
Anyhoo, back to the crux of this here blog, which really does have a lot to do with my love of the Arts but more specifically, the self-awareness that I mentioned that was so very lacking for a long, long time. Maybe it was my soul feeling out of sorts being in the wrong place (I was born in America and moved to England as a toddler), or certain traumatic things that occurred when I was very young, which don't have a place here. Whatever the cause or reason, here I am with a tale to tell and a journey embarked upon.
Doing what I love and loving what I do has opened up a whole new world to me. The world inside of me. It sounds corny, I know. I feel twee writing it, but it's true. I'll be eating my toast with marmite, shoveling beans on toast in my mouth and dunking my biscuits in my tea along the way. And, before anyone comments snortily...yes, my punctuation will probably suck.
Lisa ...
I'm your first follower!