Friday, October 18, 2013

Afloat in a Shandy Sea.

Creativity is lounging somewhere getting drunk at a bar.  It's stalled on writing but became ever so quietly excited at Goodwill when I purchased an outfit destined to be zombiefied.  I quietly plan on the sidelines while thinking of other things.  I love that talent.  The ideas form and gel in the background.  I stand back, press my finger to my lips, take out this, add that.  All the while, I'm checking ingredients in food, cooking dinner, doing laundry, thinking about things, worrying about my son.  Life rolls forward in an endless stream but behind the scenes, the nature of me does what it does best: Plans, creates.  And I know when I have all I need in front of me, the thing that I've been visualizing will come to be as imagined.

The practical side has stepped up.  But I have a little bitch with a whip silently berating me for not making any progress with my writing.  I feel guilty which is so not the frame of mind from which to be doing this.  I sit down and write anyway, delete what I've written, start again, become dissatisfied and give up altogether.  I think perhaps I put too much pressure on myself to write long.  And by long, I don't mean the length of time, rather the length of the piece.  It appears that I'm pretty good at flash fiction.  If only, I think, if only I could stretch out those 100 word pieces to thousands.  Driving in the car, I think well, I'm in my mid-forties...maybe I'll have it together in my fifties - I've got plenty of time!

If I do, I do.  If not, well, at least I have two great kids, right?  That's some wonderful creation right there.

I'm astonished that how day after day, week after week, I'm still surprised at the ebb and flow of life.  Of love.  Of feelings.  Of the past.  Monkeys occasionally jump on for a quick ride (sometimes the same terribly stupid monkey who won't quit), sometimes I'm up and free of burden, sometimes I'm weighed down and sometimes, like this week, I'm treading water.  It's probably a good thing to feel astonished because the alternative would be very boring.

At once, I'm feeling ironic.  Opposite.  Paradoxical.  This AND that.  Pushed and pulled.

I'll keep myself buoyed with some disco. It reminds me of my little nine year-old world that came with this:
photo-of-old-portable-record-playerso that I could play and dance and sing to this (very cheesy and lip-synched), perfect!

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