Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What's on your plateau?

I am not lost.  I am not in a quandary.  I am not confused.  I have simply...taken a step away. 

Definitely in a spiritual valley, a lower plateau so to speak, certainly not on any part of the journey that slopes upward to a peak affording magnificent views of the land ahead.

I felt it, a certain snapping last week during a particularly hellish emotional time, which bore the fruit of my last post.  Initially I had prepared myself for a big change; an impending house move - another move in a long 43-year timeline of moves.  Except this one had snuck up early and at first I was a bit out of sorts about it but came back around to my usual,  "y''s gonna be ok, home is where my family is and that's what's important."  I laughed at that, my husband rolled his eyes good-naturedly and we swept any concerns about the wheres and the hows under the now, very lumpy rug.

Money's Too Tight To Mention so sang Mick Hucknall and it has held true for too many years but we could see a light at the end of the tunnel, my husband and I. He had started to bring home a real, honest-to-goodness paycheck and so was I.  He had a plan to pay off some very important overdue bills so that by the end of this month, we could begin to put aside funds for the move....deposit, moving company etc.

The most pressing thing was to keep our kids in their current school; we felt another switch so soon after making new friends and finding a new rhythm would be too hard on them, despite their resilience and adaptability.  Thanks to a rather nice Delaware education clause named "Choice", we found out that we could move out of the school district yet still keep them in the same school, so that gave us some breathing room.  With that in mind, and now with a sense of urgency, we expanded our search of homes to surrounding towns but it soon became apparent that we were woefully short of the amount needed to move into anywhere.  We were also uncomfortably aware that our past credit history would drag behind us like an anvils tied to our legs.  It began to feel hopeless.  Then my husband delivered another blow which I was totally unprepared for; a possible move out of state to a townhome owned by a builder who knows a business partner of a friend, who knows this guy and is the accountant of that friend who knows his Dad - yada, yada, yada.  The feeling of puppetry working all over us, herding and shuffling us around from here to there, forcing us to obediently bow and scrape our thank you's and gratefulness was the final straw.  You see, it's a continuing theme in our lives - this lack of control.

I threw my spiritual hands in the air; had enough of believing in source and abundance and love.  I relinquished it all and have not felt at all like meditating or reading my favorite uplifting blogs or having anything at all remotely to do with wellbeing, mindfulness, love, light and spirit.  I am not the least bit interested.  Neither am I bothered by my indifference.  I know the true me is there, always will be, would never abandon me because that's impossible.  And no doubt I will return in my own good time.  I don't want to admit that "I'm just being" or "I am letting it be".  To say it implies that I am interested when I just don't care right now. 

That's not to say that I'm grouchy and miserable either (although I am on the tail end of the flu, so may be forgiven for being a bit limp) I'm not at all.  I'm civil, I'm nice and I'm genuinely kind.  I'm...simply holding steady, I think.

My husband would like to see me back on track; he feels a certain responsibility for my current location and I would just like to say that no matter the lowest of lows and the joyous high of highs, I wouldn't want to be stuck in the trenches with anyone else but him, even if I want to flick trench mud in his face from time to time.

And so we wait, almost as if on the precipice of someplace.   We wait for news of a place to move into which all hinges on background checks, credit checks, references etc.  It's a nice place that we could afford after a little help getting our feet in the door.  And I wait for news of a short story...will be published, will it be rejected?

We wait.

And no matter what happens or what direction we go in, we take steps forward together.  And I will come back to the spiritual when I'm ready because sometimes, you just gotta take a break.

I have sheep on my plateau!


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